Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import sys
00004 import getopt
00005 import os 
00006 import string 
00008 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00009 # Default versions. They can be changed here, or (preferred) directly from 
00010 # the command line, e.g.: 
00011 #           source configure --hepmc-version=2.06.03
00012 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00013 versions = {
00014   'cascade-version':          '2.0.1',
00015   'clhep-version':            '',
00016   'hepmc-version':            '2.03.11',
00017 #  'hepmc-version':            '2.06.03',
00018   'heppdt-version':           '3.04.01',
00019   'fastjet-version':          '2.4.2p5',
00020   'gsl-version':              '1.10',
00021   'pythia8-version':          '142',
00022   'pythia6-version':          '423.2',
00023   'alpgen-version':           '2.1.3d.2',
00024   'herwigpp-version':         '2.5.0',
00025   'herwig-version':           '6.520.2',
00026   'jimmy-version':            '4.31.3',
00027   'thepeg-version':           '1.7.0',
00028   'lhapdf-version':           '5.8.2',
00029   'tauola-version':           '28.121.2',
00030   'photos-version':           '215.5',
00031   'prefix':                   ''
00032 }
00034 # auxiliary stuff 
00035 colours = { 'default':   '',
00036             'blue':      '\x1b[01;34m',
00037             'cyan':      '\x1b[01;36m',
00038             'green':     '\x1b[01;32m',
00039             'red':       '\x1b[01;05;37;41m',
00040             'end':       '\x1b[00m' }
00042 # 
00043 envVarsFile   = open( '', 'w' )
00044 gccSetupFile  = open( '', 'w' )
00046 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00047 def main():
00048   processOptions()    
00050   envVarsFile.write( '#!/bin/bash\n' ) 
00051   gccSetupFile.write( '#!/bin/bash\n' ) 
00053     # location's specific setup  
00054   location, curr_dir = detectLocation()
00055   envVarsFile.write( 'export MYCLASS_PATH=' + curr_dir + '\n' ) 
00056   location = location.rstrip( '\n' ) 
00058   if location == '':
00059     prefix, sysname = initializeDesySetup()
00060   elif location == '':  
00061     prefix, sysname = initializeNafSetup()
00062   else:  
00063     prefix, sysname = initializeCernSetup()
00065   print "Prefix:", prefix, ", sysname:", sysname
00066   initializeStdLibs( prefix, sysname ) 
00068   print 'Done!' 
00070 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00071 # Process command line options  
00072 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00073 def processOptions():
00074   options     = ''
00075   longOptions = [] 
00076   for op in versions.keys():
00077     longOptions.append( op + '=' )    # options which require arguments need '='
00079     # add '--help' option
00080   longOptions.append( 'help' )
00082     # parse command line options
00083   try:
00084     optlist, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], options, longOptions )
00085   except getopt.GetoptError, err:
00086     print str( err )
00087     print "For help use --help"
00088     sys.exit( 2 )
00090   for op, ar in optlist:
00091     if op.startswith( '--' ):   # remove '--' from the beginning
00092       op = op.strip( '-' )
00093     if op in versions.keys():
00094       versions[ op ] = ar
00095       print colours[ 'blue' ]+"Overwriting default option '", op, "' with value:", ar, colours['end']
00096       if op == 'hepmc-version':
00097         print colours['blue']+"Be aware that other libraries could be compiled with different version of HepMC!", colours['end']
00098     if op == 'help':
00099       showHelp()        
00100       sys.exit( 0 )
00102 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00103 # DESY specific setup
00104 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00105 def initializeDesySetup():
00106   print colours[ 'blue' ] + "[ Initialize DESY setup ]" + colours[ 'end' ]
00108   #sysNameInfo = os.popen( 'source check_platform_desy' ).readlines()
00109   #sysname = sysNameInfo[0]
00110   #print 'Systsssssem:', sysname,
00111   #envVarsFile.write( 'export SYSNAME=' + sysname + '\n' )
00113     # determine system's details
00114   sysArch = 0
00115   sysDsc  = ''
00116   sysName = ''
00117   sysCmd = os.popen( 'fs sysname' ).readline()
00118     # == SL4
00119   if contains( sysCmd, 'i586_rhel40' ) or contains( sysCmd, 'i386_linux26' ):
00120     sysArch = 32
00121     sysDsc  = 'SL4'
00122     sysName = 'i586_rhel40'
00123   elif contains( sysCmd, 'amd64_rhel40' ) or contains( sysCmd, 'amd64_linux26' ):
00124     sysArch = 64
00125     sysDsc  = 'SL4'
00126     sysName = 'amd64_rhel40'
00127     # == SL5
00128   if contains( sysCmd, 'i586_rhel50' ):
00129     sysArch = 32
00130     sysDsc  = 'SL5'
00131     sysName = 'i586_rhel50'
00132   elif contains( sysCmd, 'amd64_rhel50' ):
00133     sysArch = 64
00134     sysDsc  = 'SL5'
00135     sysName = 'amd64_rhel50'
00137   print 'System:', sysName, '(', sysDsc, '), architecture:', sysArch
00138   envVarsFile.write( 'export SYSNAME=' + sysName + '\n' )
00140     # SL4 specific settings
00141   if sysDsc == 'SL4':
00142     print 'Initialize SL4 settings'
00143     envVarsFile.write( 'export CXX="/usr/bin/g++"\n' )
00144     envVarsFile.write( 'export F77="/usr/bin/g77"\n' )
00145     envVarsFile.write( 'export FLIBS="-lfrtbegin -lg2c"\n' )
00146     # SL5 specific settings
00147   elif sysDsc == 'SL5':
00148     print 'Initialize SL5 settings'
00149     envVarsFile.write( 'export CXX="/usr/bin/g++44"\n' )
00150     envVarsFile.write( 'export F77="/usr/bin/gfortran44"\n' )
00151     envVarsFile.write( 'export FLIBS="-lgfortran -lgfortranbegin"\n' )
00152   else:
00153     print 'Unknown system name:',sysname,
00155     # prefix 
00156   if len( versions[ 'prefix' ] ) == 0:
00157     prefix = '/afs/'
00158   else:  
00159     prefix = versions[ 'prefix' ] 
00160   envVarsFile.write( 'export PREFIX=' + prefix + '\n' )
00162     # clhep
00163   envVarsFile.write( 'export CLHEPversion=' + versions[ 'clhep-version' ] + '\n' );
00164   clhepDir = prefix + '/CLHEP/' + versions[ 'clhep-version' ] + '/' + sysName   
00165   print 'CLHEP directory:', clhepDir
00166   envVarsFile.write( 'export CLHEPdir=' + clhepDir + '\n' );
00168     # cernlib 
00169   if sysDsc == 'SL5':
00170     envVarsFile.write( 'export CERNLIB=' + prefix + '/' + sysName + '/lib/cernlib/2006a/lib\n' )
00171   elif sysDsc == 'SL4':
00172     envVarsFile.write( 'export CERNLIB=/opt/products/cernlib/2005/lib\n' )
00174    # Root's initialization
00175   rootVersion = '5.22.00'    
00176   print 'ROOT version:', rootVersion
00177   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTver=' + rootVersion + '\n' )
00179   if sysName.find( 'amd64' ) != -1:
00180     rootSys = '/opt/products/root64/' + rootVersion
00181     rootLib = rootSys + '/lib64'
00182   else:
00183     rootSys = '/opt/products/root/' + rootVersion
00184     rootLib = rootSys + '/lib'
00185   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTSYS=' + rootSys + '\n' )
00186   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTLIB=' + rootLib + '\n' )
00187   envVarsFile.write( 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ROOTLIB\n' )
00188   envVarsFile.write( 'export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH\n' )
00190   envVarsFile.write( 'export PDFPATH=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators/cascade/' + versions[ 'cascade-version' ] + '/data\n' )
00192   return prefix, sysName
00194 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00195 # NAF specific setup (TODO!)
00196 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00197 def initializeNafSetup():
00198   print '== Initialize NAF setup =='
00200   # determine system
00201   sysNameInfo = os.popen( 'source check_platform_desy' ).readlines()
00202   sysname = sysNameInfo[0]
00203   print 'System:', sysname,
00204   envVarsFile.write( 'export SYSNAME=' + sysname + '\n' )
00206   # prefix 
00207   if len( versions[ 'prefix' ] ) == 0:
00208     prefix = '/afs/'
00209   else:  
00210     prefix = versions[ 'prefix' ] 
00211   envVarsFile.write( 'export PREFIX=' + prefix + '\n' )
00213   # Root's initialization
00214   rootVersion = '5.22.00'    
00215   print 'ROOT version:', rootVersion
00216   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTver=' + rootVersion + '\n' )
00218   if sysname.find( 'amd64' ) != -1:
00219     rootSys = '/afs/' + rootVersion
00220     rootLib = rootSys + '/lib'
00221   else:
00222     print 'No 32 bit ROOT version at NAF!'
00223     sys.exit( 2 )
00224   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTSYS=' + rootSys + '\n' )
00225   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTLIB=' + rootLib + '\n' )
00226   envVarsFile.write( 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ROOTLIB\n' )
00227   envVarsFile.write( 'export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH\n' )
00229   # clhep...
00230   envVarsFile.write( 'export CLHEPversion=' + versions[ 'clhep-version' ] + '\n' );
00231   clhepDir = prefix + '/CLHEP/' + versions[ 'clhep-version' ] + '/' + sysname   
00232   print 'CLHEP dir:', clhepDir,
00233   envVarsFile.write( 'export CLHEPdir=' + clhepDir + '\n' );
00235   envVarsFile.write( 'export CERNLIB=/opt/products/cernlib/2005/lib\n' )
00236   envVarsFile.write( 'export PDFPATH=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators/cascade/' + versions[ 'cascade-version' ] + '/data\n' )
00238   return prefix, sysname
00240 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00241 # CERN specific setup
00242 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00243 def initializeCernSetup():
00244   print colours[ 'blue' ] + "[ Initialize CERN setup ]" + colours[ 'end' ]
00246   # determine system
00247   sysNameInfo = os.popen( 'source check_platform' ).readlines()
00248   sysname = sysNameInfo[1].split()[2]
00249   #sysname = sysNameInfo[0]
00250   #sysname = sysname.replace( "\n", "" )
00251   print 'System:', sysname
00252   envVarsFile.write( 'export SYSNAME=' + sysname + '\n' )
00254   tmpTab = sysname.split( '-' )   # e.g. x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt
00255   if len( tmpTab ) > 1:
00256     arch = tmpTab[ 0 ]                # e.g. x86_64
00257     slcVer = tmpTab[ 1 ]
00258     print 'Architecture:', arch
00259     print 'SLC version:', slcVer 
00260     if slcVer == 'slc5':
00261       ###gccSetup = '/afs/' + arch + '/\n'
00262       gccSetup = '/afs/' + arch + '/\n'
00263       print 'Gcc setup file:', gccSetup
00264       gccSetupFile.write( 'source %s' % gccSetup )
00265 #      envVarsFile.write( 'source /afs/' + arch + '/\n' )
00267   # determine GCC version
00268   gccVersion = os.popen( 'g++ --version' ).readline().split()[2]
00269   if gccVersion.startswith( '4' ):
00270     envVarsFile.write( 'export GFORTRAN=1\n' )
00271     print 'GFORTRAN = 1'
00272     envVarsFile.write( 'export F77="/usr/bin/gfortran44"\n' )
00273     envVarsFile.write( 'export FLIBS="-lgfortran -lgfortranbegin"\n' )
00274   else:
00275     print 'GFORTRAN = 0'
00276     envVarsFile.write( 'export F77="/usr/bin/g77"\n' )
00277     envVarsFile.write( 'export FLIBS="-lfrtbegin -lg2c"\n' )
00278   print 'GCC version:', gccVersion
00280   # prefix 
00281   if len( versions[ 'prefix' ] ) == 0:
00282     prefix = '/afs/'
00283   else:  
00284     prefix = versions[ 'prefix' ] 
00285   envVarsFile.write( 'export PREFIX=' + prefix + '\n' )
00287   # Root's initialization
00288 #  rootVersion = '5.27.04'    
00289   rootVersion = '5.28.00e'    
00290   print 'ROOT version:', rootVersion
00291   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTver=' + rootVersion + '\n' )
00292   rootSys = '/afs/' + rootVersion + '/' + sysname + '/root'
00293   print 'ROOT path:', rootSys
00294   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTSYS=' + rootSys + '\n' )
00295   rootLib = rootSys + '/lib'
00296   print 'ROOT lib:', rootLib
00297   envVarsFile.write( 'export ROOTLIB=' + rootLib + '\n' )
00298   envVarsFile.write( 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:' + rootLib + '\n' )
00299   envVarsFile.write( 'export PATH=' + rootSys + '/bin:$PATH\n' )
00301   # clhep...
00302 #  versions[ 'clhep-version' ] = ''
00303   envVarsFile.write( 'export CLHEPversion=' + versions[ 'clhep-version' ] + '\n' );
00304   clhepDir = prefix + '/clhep/' + versions[ 'clhep-version' ] + '/' + sysname   
00305   print 'CLHEP dir:', clhepDir
00306   envVarsFile.write( 'export CLHEPdir=' + clhepDir + '\n' );
00308   envVarsFile.write( 'export CERNLIB=' + prefix + '/cernlib/2006b/' + sysname + '/lib' + '\n' )
00309   envVarsFile.write( 'export PDFPATH=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators/cascade/' + versions[ 'cascade-version' ] + '/share/data\n' )
00310   return prefix, sysname
00312 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00313 # Setup environment variables
00314 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00315 def initializeStdLibs( prefix, sysname ):
00316   hepmc_suff = '' 
00317   pythia8_hepmc_suff = '' 
00318   if ( versions[ 'hepmc-version' ] == '2.06.03' ):      # use generators compiled with the new version of HepMC,
00319     pythia8_hepmc_suff = '_hepmc20603'                  # currently (Nov/2010) available only for Pythia8 at Cern...
00321   envVarsFile.write( 'export HepMCdir=' + prefix + '/HepMC/' + versions[ 'hepmc-version' ] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00322   envVarsFile.write( 'export HepPDTdir=' + prefix + '/HepPDT/' + versions[ 'heppdt-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00324   envVarsFile.write( 'export FastJetdir=' + prefix + '/fastjet/' + versions[ 'fastjet-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00325   envVarsFile.write( 'export GSLdir=' + prefix + '/GSL/' + versions[ 'gsl-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00327   envVarsFile.write( 'export Pythia8dir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + pythia8_hepmc_suff + '/pythia8/' + versions[ 'pythia8-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00328   envVarsFile.write( 'export Pythia8DATA=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + pythia8_hepmc_suff + '/pythia8/' + versions[ 'pythia8-version'] + '/share/xmldoc\n' )
00330   envVarsFile.write( 'export Pythia6dir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/pythia6/' + versions[ 'pythia6-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00331   envVarsFile.write( 'export Alpgendir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/alpgen/' + versions[ 'alpgen-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00333   envVarsFile.write( 'export Herwigppdir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/herwig++/' + versions[ 'herwigpp-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00334   envVarsFile.write( 'export ThePEGdir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/thepeg/' + versions[ 'thepeg-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00335   envVarsFile.write( 'export Herwigdir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/herwig/' + versions[ 'herwig-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00336   envVarsFile.write( 'export Jimmydir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/jimmy/' + versions[ 'jimmy-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00337   envVarsFile.write( 'export LHAPDFdir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/lhapdf/' + versions[ 'lhapdf-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00338   envVarsFile.write( 'export LHAPDFsets=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/lhapdf/' + versions[ 'lhapdf-version'] + '/share/PDFsets\n' )
00339   envVarsFile.write( 'export LHAPATH=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/lhapdf/' + versions[ 'lhapdf-version'] + '/share/PDFsets\n' )
00340   envVarsFile.write( 'export Cascadedir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/cascade/' + versions[ 'cascade-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00341   envVarsFile.write( 'export Tauoladir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/tauola/' + versions[ 'tauola-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00342   envVarsFile.write( 'export Photosdir=' + prefix + '/MCGenerators' + hepmc_suff + '/photos/' + versions[ 'photos-version'] + '/' + sysname + '\n' )
00344     # additional environment variables
00345   envVarsFile.write( 'export Herwigppversion=' + versions[ 'herwigpp-version'] + '\n' )
00347     # add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
00348   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Pythia8dir/lib\n" )
00349   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Pythia8DATA\n" )
00350   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Pythia6dir/lib\n" )
00351   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Alpgendir/lib\n" )
00352   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GSLdir/lib/\n" )
00353   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HepMCdir/lib\n" )
00354   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HepPDTdir/lib\n" )
00355   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$CLHEPdir/lib\n" )
00356   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$FastJetdir/lib\n" )
00357   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LHAPDFdir/lib\n" )
00358   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Herwigppdir/lib/Herwig++\n" )
00359   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Herwigdir/lib\n" )
00360   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Jimmydir/lib\n" )
00361   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ThePEGdir/lib/ThePEG\n" )
00362   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Cascadedir/lib\n" )
00363   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Tauoladir/lib\n" )
00364   envVarsFile.write( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$Photosdir/lib\n" )
00365   envVarsFile.write( "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$MYCLASS_PATH/lib\n" )
00367   return  
00369 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00370 def detectLocation():
00371   loc = os.popen( 'hostname -d' ).read()
00372   print 'Location:', loc,
00373   curr_dir = os.popen( 'pwd' ).read()
00374   print 'Current working directory:', curr_dir,
00375   return loc, curr_dir
00377 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00378 def contains( theString, theQueryValue ):
00379   return theString.find( theQueryValue ) > -1 
00381 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00382 def showHelp():
00383   print ' - HepMCAnalysis tool configuration script (Version: 0.1)\n'
00384   print 'Usage: source configure [arguments]\n'
00385   print 'Arguments:'
00386   for arg in versions.keys():
00387     print '  --' + arg 
00388   print '\nTo specify different version of a generator use command like:'
00389   print '  source configure --pythia8-version=135\n'
00391 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00392 # Execution starts here  
00393 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00394 if __name__ == "__main__":
00395   main()
00396   envVarsFile.close() 
00397   gccSetupFile.close()

Generated on Wed Aug 31 09:44:47 2011 for HepMCAnalysis by  doxygen 1.4.7