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00001 #U.E tuning parameters refer to the ones for CSC production
00003 ##beam energy
00004 hwproc pbeam1 7000
00005 hwproc pbeam2 7000
00007 ##mass and widith
00008 # PDG2007 TOP mass
00009 hwprop rmass 6 172.5 
00010 # PDG2007 W mass
00011 hwprop rmass 198 80.403 
00012 # PDG2007 W mass
00013 hwprop rmass 199 80.403
00014 # PDG2007 Z0 mass
00015 hwprop rmass 200 91.1876
00016 # PDG2007 W width
00017 hwpram gamw 2.141
00018 # PDG2007 Z0 width
00019 hwpram gamz 2.4952      
00021 ##PDF
00022 #  CTEQ6L1 (LO fit with LO alpha_s)
00023 hwpram modpdf 10042
00024 #  external PDF library
00025 hwprch autpdf HWLHAPDF
00027 ##Fragmentation
00028 # to fix the ratio of mesons to baryons in B decays
00029 hwpram clpow 1.20
00030 # to make Ks and Lambda stable
00031 hwdist pltcut 0.0000000000333
00032 # (D=10.) min. pT in hadronic jet production
00033 hwhard ptmin 10
00035 ##U.E.
00036 #main switches
00037 # Underlying event option (2->2 QCD)
00038 jmparm jmueo 1
00039 # turn on multiple interactions
00040 jmparm msflag 1
00041 jmparm jmbug 0
00043 #tuning 
00044 # for 14TeV (4.48 for 10TeV) minimum pT of secondary scatters
00045 jmparm ptjim 4.91
00046 #  Inverse proton redius squared
00047 jmparm jmrad 73 1.8
00048 #  soft underlying event off (Herwig parameter)
00049 hwpram prsof 0
00051 ##others
00052 #Tau decay by TAUOLA
00053 hwdspn taudec TAUOLA
00054 # (D=1) include neutral B meson mixing
00055 hwdist mixing 1

Generated on Wed Aug 31 09:44:48 2011 for HepMCAnalysis by  doxygen 1.4.7