
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # Nr of Events to be generated
00002 nevents                         100
00003 # randomseed ... 
00004 # if no randomseed is specified time in seconds will be set
00005 rseed                           1234567
00007 # The histograms will be saved into File
00008 OutputFileName                  Herwigpp_test.root
00010 # use the following Configuration files for the generator
00011 # several may be specified
00012 # Be aware: The config file can overwrite the randomseed
00013 ConfigFileNames                 configfiles/Herwigpp_Common.config
00014 #ConfigFileNames                configfiles/Herwigpp_SusySU3.config
00015 #ConfigFileNames                configfiles/Herwigpp_ttbar.config
00016 ConfigFileNames                 configfiles/Herwigpp_singleZ.config
00018 # enable Analysis to be performed
00019 jet_analysis          false
00020 z_analysis            true
00021 wplusjet_analysis               false
00022 ztautau_analysis      false 
00023 wtaunu_analysis       false 
00024 bbbar_analysis        false 
00025 ttbar_analysis        true
00026 ue_analysis           false
00027 etmiss_analysis       false
00028 elasScat_analysis     false
00029 user_analysis         true
00031 # master switches for FSR, ISR and MI
00032 FSR                             true
00033 ISR                             true
00034 MI                              true
00036 # set Jet parameter
00037 jet_coneRadius                  0.4
00038 jet_overlapThreshold            0.75
00039 jet_ptmin                       15.0
00040 lepton_ptmin                    15.0
00041 DeltaR_lepton_track             0.4
00042 max_eta                         2.5 # cut on tracks for jet finder
00043 min_pt                          0.5 # cut on tracks for jet finder

Generated on Wed Aug 31 09:44:47 2011 for HepMCAnalysis by  doxygen 1.4.7