HepMCAnalysis Tool 3.2

Cano Ay, Wolfgang Ehrenfeld, Sebastian Johnert, Judith Katzy, Zhonghua Qin
December 2009


HepMCAnalyser is a tool for generator validation and comparisons. The main idea is to have a stable, easy-to-use and extendable framework to provide a fast access point to generator level analysis.

A class library with benchmark physics processes has been written to analyse HepMC generator output and fill root histogramms. The source code of the classes is in the HepMCAnalysis/include and src directories.

A web-interface is provided to display all or selected histogramms, compare to references and validate the results based on Kolmogorov Tests. These scripts are in HepMCAnalysis/examples/macros

Steerable example programs can be used for event generation and conversion to HepMC format. The steering it tuned to produce best agreement between the distributions of the different generators. The programms are in HepMCAnalysis/examples/generatorX where generatorX stands e.g. for pythia6, pythia8, herwigpp... .


The tool is supported on the same platforms as the GENSER library. It links against the GENSER installation. It will automatically detect the CERN or the DESY mirror of the GENSER libraries.

For installation do the following:

1.: cd HepMCAnalysis

2.: source setup.sh //setup the environment, link to genser libs

3.: make slib // creates the shared lib of the analysis classes


For running go in the directory of the generator you want to check and perform the following steps: 1.: cd examples/pythia6 //here we give the example for pythia, other generators follow the same schema

2.: make -f Makefile_pythia6 pythia6 // creates the pythia6 executable, see README for details

3.: ./pythia6.exe Process.Config // generates pythia events and analyse them with class lib, write out histgramms in a root file

Generated on Mon Jan 4 15:22:33 2010 for HepMCAnalysis by  doxygen 1.4.7