baseAnalysis | Base class for all HepMCanalysis classes to implement common functionality and interfaces |
Configuration | Read the configuration into the executable for event generation |
DiJetAnalysis | Class to analyse events of the type QCD 2->2 Processes. Examples to generate these events are given in the specific generator directory, e.g. examples/pythia6 ; the histogramm output is stored in the Dijet folder of the root file |
ElasScatAnalysis | This class is used for hepmc based validation of elastic scattered events |
EtMissAnalysis | |
ThePEG::HepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent > | |
ThePEG::HepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent > | |
ThePEG::HepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent > | |
JetFinder | This class is used for finding jets in hepmc based validation |
TauAnalysis | This class is used for hepmc based validation of pp->Z->tautau events |
TopAnalysis | This class is used for hepmc based validation of ttbar events |
UEAnalysis | Class to study underlying events. Currently the UE is studied for events with at least one jet, e.g. QCD 2->2, pp->W+jet, pp->Z+jet. Extension to DrellYan events will follow. Examples to generate e.g events are given in the specific generator directory, e.g. examples/pythia6 ; the histogramm output is stored in the UE folder of the root file |
UserAnalysis | |
WplusJetAnalysis | Class to analyse events of the type pp->W+jet Processes. Examples to generate these events are given in the specific generator directory, e.g. examples/pythia6 ; the histogramm output is stored in the WplusJet folder of the root file |
ZAnalysis | Class to analyse events of the type QCD pp->Z->ee, Z->mumu Processes. Examples to generate these events are given in the specific generator directory, e.g. examples/pythia6 ; the histogramm output is stored in the Zanalysis folder of the root file |